NEW Edition for 2022!

Completely New Edition!  Every single Book is updated to reflect the current law including Opioid Epidemic and COVID-19 Pandemic.

Food and Drug Law is available as a Print Book which contains all 12 Books. The Entire Print Book is now available in E-book format and each of the 12 Books are available as a separate subject-specific E-BookThis food and drug law comprehensive book is organized for ease of reading in order to comprehend a complex area of law. Each Book starts with a concise introduction to provide a particular focus for the reader. There is a separate Book for each subject based on regulation under the United States Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and related law. This entire work, “Food and Drug Law: Federal Regulation of Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, Foods, Dietary Supplements, Cosmetics, Veterinary and Tobacco Products Regulation,” serves as a go-to resource for:

  • The regulated industry such as legal counsel and regulatory affairs personnel searching for concise explanations of relevant portions of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA);
  • Legal practitioners in legal issues involving food, medical devices, drug, biologics, cosmetics, veterinary, dietary supplements, and tobacco products regulatory law;
  • Government personnel—federal, state and local involved in these topics;
  • Attorneys in related disciplines who find themselves in the crosshairs of the FDCA; and 
  • The academic community including professors and law students searching for a clear resource. 

NEW Edition for 2022!

Available NOW!